Thursday, May 20, 2010

Career Management

Q (1).  Define Career Counseling? What are the techniques of Career Counseling?

            Career Counseling may be defined as a process of learning in order to career management that most employees explore career goals and opportunities in the organization.
Career Counseling techniques are as follows:

  1. Mentoring: It means what are one’s skills and what are the possibilities for developing them or learning new ones. Counseling Centers with their potential counselors such as Ex. Government Secretary, Ex. University professors & intellectuals are playing a vital role.
  2. Teaching: Teaching is another vital technique of Career counseling. It can be obtained by the teachers, Counseling centers, supervisors etc. They show the way how a person clearly understands what’s possible for him, given his or her current abilities and skills.
  3. Helping: Family members, teachers or other potential reference is needed to build one’s career.
  4. Supporting: HR professionals may be involved in some informal career counseling activities, but basically their role is to support career counseling activities of supervisors and managers. Supervisors and managers need accurate assessments of employee abilities and potential, as well as information about career options and opportunities in the organization.

  1. Motivation: Motivation is a very popular technique of Career counseling. It helps to determine what sort of training & cooperation will be required if one choose to pursue a certain career objective.

Q (2).  What are the elements or components of Career Counseling?

1.      Goals: Goals means aim in life or objective of career. It may be Banker or Lawyer or Doctor etc.

2.      Aspiration: It means desire to get something in one’s accompany.

3.      Expectation: Expectation can be intrinsic. For example: psychological (to be a HR manager) and extrinsic, for example: desire to get BMW car.

4.      Opportunities: It means to know how to make opportunities, how to make differentiation.

5.      Qualification: Formal educational qualification is the prerequisite for career counseling.

6.      New assignment: Prepare oneself to take new challenge. Always one has to take certain decision in uncertainty.

7.      Career Growth: Career is a continuous process.
  Q (3). Explain the process of Career Counseling?

        Following are the process of career counseling:
1.      Realistic: The role of interests, skills, values and personality in the career     development process.
2.      Frankly appraisal: KPA(Key Performance Appraisal)
3.      Dialogue
4.      Mutual understanding
5.      Communicating
6.      Realistic information: Obtaining information about the nature of the job market as well as about specific occupations
7.      Further assessment
8.      Modification & correction
9.      Perfection & motivation: Methods for advising individuals and groups about implementing their careers
Q(4). What is Assessment Center?

          Assessment center is used as a selection device as well as a management development device. It also has relevance as a career development tool. By putting people though assessment center we obtain observable evidence of their ability to do a certain job.

Q(5). What are the assessment procedures?
        In the selection process assessment is made of individual job seekers. In recruitment and selection process always in different way assessment is practiced.
1.      There are different techniques of assessment. Such as,

1.      Written test
2.      Oral test
3.      Psychological test
4.      Medical test
5.      Trade test

2.      Appraisal: Assessment is made for the evaluation of performance. Generally internal supervisors and mangers always playing their role for giving reward or punishment in their career process. Always the employees want reward in different perspectives.

1.      Promotion
2.      Review of salary
3.      Better posting
4.      Opportunity for training & development
5.      Compensation & benefits.

              In this role as assessor, individuals learn how to observe behavior carefully to make inferences from observations and to give feedback to the assessee.

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